Welcome to Tails on the Trail

I offer tailored 1-2-1 walks for dogs that need more than a wild run in a field or plod around the streets. I promise to walk your dogs with the same standard of engagement and care I take with my own 2 German Shepherd Dogs. 


Enrichment Walks

1-2-1 and Group walks, 1 hour

Fun walks with a focus on enriching training and play. 

I will take your furry friend on walks in the countryside to enjoy enriching playtime, engaging training and plenty of sniffys to tire their brains as well as their bodies. 

Enrichment Visits

At home enrichment, 1 hour

Not being able to go outside and run around doesn't mean your dogs needs can't be met.

I offer enrichment sessions at home utilising training methods designed to engage and tire your dogs brains so they can rest soundly for the rest of the day.

Adventure Walks

1-2-1 walks, 1.5 to 2.5 hours

If you need help with your high energy dog and 1 hour walks just aren't enough. Then adventure walks are for you.

These provide all the same mental stimulation of the enrichment walks but more time spent in lovely rural countryside.

Adventure Training

Coming Soon

In 2025 I will be offering adventure training workshops.

These will cover everything you need to get wild with your dogs.

Watch this space! 

Drop-ins and Sitting

Completely tailored to your needs

I am fully insured, DBS checked and Dog First Aid trained. 

Happy to offer drop in services and pet sitting depending on dates and location

For prices and options available get in touch. The service will be completely tailored to what you need

Frequently Asked Questions

What is different about Tails on the Trail walks?

I offer controlled walks away from your dogs triggers, designed to continue all your hard work when your are not able. Walks are 1-2-1 or with my stooge dog Freya should you want your dog to interact with another dog. 

How are the enrichment sessions conducted?

Our enrichment sessions involve interactive games and activities to engage your dog's senses and intelligence. These are carried out in your home with all your dogs

Why home sessions and not walks? Don't dogs need walks?

Of course it is great for our dogs to get out of the house and take in new environments but there are many reasons why that may be unsuitable. These are just some examples

  • If you have multiple dogs that cannot be walked together this is a great afordable alternative to multiple 1-2-1 walks
  • If your dog is reactive and you would prefer only you walk them
  • If the weather is unsuitable for walking but you need to break up the work day
  • If your dog has been triggered alot lately and you want some decompression time, this can be common after stays in kennels

Are you fully insured?

Yes! I am fully insured to drive and work with your dogs both on outside on walks and inside your home. 

Are you first aid trained?

I have attended regular dog first aid training courses with professional parties and I always carry a first aid kit with me

Do I need to provide treats and toys for sessions?

If you have specific treats or toys you would like me to use then you can leave them for me but I will always have a good supply of nutritional and safe treats and toys with me

About us

Dog Walking with a Difference. After struggling to find a suitable walker for my own reactive German Shepherd, I decided to combine my passion for dog training and adventuring and start my own dog walking business, but offering a different kind of service. You can rest assured and relaxed that your dog will not be getting into stressful situations or practicing any bad behaviours. I will treat your dogs as if they were my own and make sure they have the best time ever fulfilling their genetic needs

Contact us

If you want to discuss your dog and their needs please reach out to me on any of the below social buttons


Tails on the Trail

The Reddings,
